Volker Kuhlmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered:
>   Mail client test file v0.5 (55kb): This mbox file triggers some bugs
>   and has very long field values to trigger buffer overflows. 
> at http://kmail.kde.org/mail-client-QA.gz . Mutt doesn't crash, but
> shows only 18 mails whereas kmail shows 20. I guess that has to do with
> different interpretation of From_. Is mutt supposed to behave as it
> does?

Mutt does not see the last two mails:

X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Jun 16 00:15:22 2000
Subject: Date in 1975

>From bla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat Jul 15 20:37:05 2000
X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Jul 15 20:36:34 2000
Subject: HTML only

Guess it does not recognize the two ^From_ lines because of the special
format. All other ^From_ lines look like this:

>From aaa@aaa Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 1997

The other format is obviously the mailer test in this case. See X-From_:
Mutt failed.
Mutt also fails with Dates. If you sort by date/date the order is not

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