
* Aleksey Tsalolikhin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-05-13 19:40]:
>  For example, I start mutt with
>SHELL=/usr/local/bin/zsh  mutt
>and then run !ps -p $$
>and it shows "sh".
>  Am I doing something wrong?  I'd like to be able access
>my shell aliases from mutt via !.
I don't know about the $SHELL part, but your lack of aliases may be
the result of the lack of interactive shell, ie. maybe Mutt starts
your shell as a non-interactive shell and your aliases are only read
for interactives.

Note also that there is a bug in Mutt 1.5.x which may make your
shelling difficult.

As long as people will accept crap, it will
be financially profitable to dispense it.
        - Dick Cavett

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