Tom --

...and then Thomas Baker said...
% On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 06:51:49AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > 
% > Ahhh...  That's a good point.  The % is under DOS/Win what the $ is under
% > a *NIX shell; you write a loop, for instance, as
% DOS/Win, eh?  Well,that would explain why I couldn't find
% any documentation... :-)


% >   for %%i in ...
% > 
% > to protect it.  Even though I *think* you've said that this is all within
% > mutt and not in a pipeline (which I would almost bet a twinkie would get
% > mucked up), you still might be experiencing some of these problems.
% Well, I'm not sure that protecting a parameter with another %
% (the DOS/Win equivalent of "\$"?) is really what's happening


% will generate headers such as:
%       From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jun  7 13:59:03 2002
% My Cygwin/Mutt apparently needs that prepended "%" because
% if I generate a From-line without it -- eg, for the mbox
% that Procmail wrote which had no From-lines at all -- Mutt
% will not recognize that line as a message delimiter.  So "%"
% would seem to be not just a DOS/Win thing, but a Mutt thing??

Hmmm...  That's very odd; mutt definitely doesn't care about % in an mbox
file and I don't think that it's legal in the mbox filespec.  But it
certainly does seem to be after any pipelines.

% > and such, you may find better expando answers on the cygwin list.
% > Wouldn't hurt to try.
% I have already moved a related question to that list,
% but I'm still not clear on whether this "%" business is
% Cygwin-specific??

It almost certainly isn't cygwin-specific, but if it is a DOS/Win thing
then they're probably the most likely place to find answers or at least
valid pointers.

While the %-in-mbox-file thing does make it a bit confusing, that
certainly isn't a mutt or mbox thing and so you might ask, especially
since a %% is apparently becoming a % along the way.

% Thanks,
% Tom


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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