John --

...and then John P Verel said...
% Made Mutt 1.4 today.  I'm getting the following errors:
% Error in /home/john/.muttrc, line 359: thread: unknown sorting method
% set sort=thread (Works fine in 1.2)

Don't know why it did, but it should be pluralized.

% Second problem:
% When I press F1, I get key not bound error.

Do you have the F1 binding in the system muttrc, or perhaps in yours?
It's in the system muttrc by default.  What do you see when you hit ? to
look at your current bindings?  Is it there at all?

% Third thing:
% In make intall log I get:
% if test -f /home/john/mutt1.4/bin/mutt_dotlock && test xmail != x ; then
% \
%         chgrp mail /home/john/mutt1.4/bin/mutt_dotlock && \
%         chmod 2755 /home/john/mutt1.4/bin/mutt_dotlock || \
%         { echo "Can't fix mutt_dotlock's permissions!" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
% \
% fi
% chgrp: changing group of `/home/john/mutt1.4/bin/mutt_dotlock':
% Operation not permitted
% Can't fix mutt_dotlock's permissions!
% make[2]: *** [install-exec-local] Error 1
% Is this important?

It just means you're installing as you instead of root but that you built
mutt to expect to find a mutt_dotlock to do locking for it.  If you have
an old mutt_dotlock on the system then I would say it's no biggie EXCEPT
that recently someone else posted that mutt compiles in the location of
mutt_dotlock instead of searching your path, so in the worst case you
might have to symlink your mutt_dotlock to the system one with the proper
perms.  Only testing will tell if you really need it.  If your mail is
not in /var/*/mail where only mail can create files then you don't even
need special perms (well, assuming that you can always write in your own
dirs, anyway).

% John


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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