
* Charles Curley [02-06-11 22:21:29 +0200] wrote:


> Is there a (fairly) painless way to get the mail from the
> laptop onto the desktop?

> Can I simply append files (e.g. "cat /mnt/nfs/laptop/mutt
> >> mutt").

If you use mbox, yes. If you've already set up procmail
there's most likely also 'formail'. With formail you can
just pipe your mbox file into it and let procmail run over
every mail again.

Once the work is done, you can limit your index to duplicate
messages and easily delete them. Dates, months, etc. are not
important (if you hooks and date patterns within mutt, then
it will matter) (the oldest may I got was even send before

Cheers, Rocco

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