Mike --

...and then Mike Schiraldi said...
% I'd like to transition to a setup where most incoming mail gets procmailed
% into three folders: archive-<date>, archive, and either INBOX or whatever
% other mailbox the procmail rules determine.

Wow.  That sounds like a big pain, IMHO.  What's the purpose of having
two archives, just out of curiosity, and even more what's the purpose
of having an archive as well as a working copy if you're not going to
store flag updates (clearing 'N', writing 'r', what's deleted, and so on)
in the archive?

It seems to me much more profitable to have an archive from which you
don't delete anything (you didn't mention deleting from the archive(s)
messages that you would delete in your INBOX, so just don't delete
*anything* from the archive in the first place) and then to procmail
your mail as appropriate and then archive from *those* folders on
a regular basis if you want to keep the "active folder" size down.
mutt can handle *that* with a couple of folder-hooks and the compressed
folder patch easily enough.

% That part i can take care of myself. But, as usual, there's the spam
% problem. When i go into my inbox and see eighteen pieces of spam, i'd like
% to tag them all, run a macro, and have those messages deleted not only from
% my inbox, but also from the two archive folders.
% Has anyone here done anything like this? Anyone got a suggestion?

The closest I can come is to take a look at DGC's markmsg patch, which
"marks" a message based on Message-ID: and stores it for a later search,
just like marking and jumping with ' in vi.  Using that to build a list of
M-IDs you might fire up mutt against your other folder and delete-pattern
those messages, perhaps by creating a temp muttrc that pushes the proper
commands.  It doesn't sound pretty, though.  In general, mailboxes are
separate in mutt, and there aren't any "multi-box" operations.

Hmmm...  Maybe you don't need a patch, but a simple external script; tag
the offending messages, tag-pipe them to the script, and therein grab the
IDs and write your muttrc, optionally even firing up mutt do clean out
the folder.

In either case, if you go that route, I'd recommend pushing the deletion
but not synchronizing the folder just to give you a last chance for a
simple check; if you pipe out 12 messages, you had better have exactly
12 flagged for deletion in the new mutt.

% Thanks
% -- 
% Mike Schiraldi
% VeriSign Applied Research


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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