So sprach Kevin Coyner am 2002-06-14 um 17:43:27 -0400 :
> I started using abook yesterday, so I can't really give a solid

Thanks, will try it.

> addresses from within mutt.  One thing it doesn't seem to have is an
> ability to import csv files to build the DB.

Hmm, no, that doesn't seem to be true.  From man abook of 0.4.17:

       --convert   <inputformat>    <inputfile>    <outputformat>
              Converts   <inputfile>    in    <inputformat>    to
              <outputfile> in <outputformat>

              The following inputformats are supported:
              - abook abook native format
              - ldif ldif / Netscape addressbook
              - pine pine addressbook
              - csv comma separated values

Alexander Skwar
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