Sascha --

...and then Sascha Huedepohl said...
% Hi,


% some friends of mine are not able to or not
% willing to configure their eMail Software
% in that way that the From: Header is set to:
% Realname <email@address> or email@address (Realname)

They must not be True Friends then :-)

% And i hate it.


% No i would like to set up a little procmail rule
% to replace the From: header with a correct one.
% What i'm not sure about is:
% Is this ok for the eMail-system?
% I mean: is it ok to do such thing? Or will i break
% somethink up?

Since this is incoming mail, you won't muck up anything except perhaps
that mail message in your mailbox (well, perhaps your mailbox itself if
you really manage to screw up, but it's still just you).

It should be easy enough to have a rule something like

  :0 f
  | /path/to/some_clever_script

where the clever script reads the mail, traps the From: line, optionally
writes it back out as an X-Orig-From: line or such, matches the right-hand
side to how you want to reformat that user, whips up a new From: line,
and then continues to spit the whole thing out until it's done.  The only
reason this isn't a simple sed script is because it's nicer to have


once in .procmailrc with the logic in a separate script than to have a
procmail rule for every dorky|silly pal.

% thanks
% sascha
% -- 
% I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be --- Oooh! Donuts!


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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