On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 11:01:40AM -0700, David Benfell wrote:
> Actually, it did, but only on the second attempt.  I'm guessing that
> mutt is applying the send-hooks before asking who I'm addressing the
> e-mail to.
> Which at least is a different problem.  How do I fix this one?

from the manual:

  Note: the send-hook's are only executed ONCE after getting the initial
  list of recipients.  Adding a recipient after replying or editing the
  message will NOT cause any send-hook to be executed.  Also note that
  my_hdr commands which modify recipient headers, or the message's
  subject, don't have any effect on the current message when executed
  from a send-hook.

so it's supposed to run AFTER getting the addressees.  I think what you
see if the "my_hdr" clause, saying a send-hook cannot apply a my_hdr
command to the current message.  The only way I know to get around this
is to either set up folder-hooks, or macros to apply the changes before
the msg is composed.

Dan Boger

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