On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 03:22:32AM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:

Thanks for your response.

| * Derrick 'dman' Hudson [02-07-14 03:11:37 +0200] wrote:
| > What I would like to try is
| >     1)  first group the messages according to the thread they are in
| set sort=threads
| >     2)  for each thread, sort the thread itself with date-received
| 2) doesn't make sence since a thread is already sorted by
|    1) (according to headers).
| >     3)  order the threads (relative to other threads) in
| >             reverse-date-received order
| set sort_aux=reverse-date-received

That doesn't achieve the effect I want.  Here is an example :

~~~~~~~ with sort_aux=reverse-date-received
 91 r L Jul09 Kurt Lieber      (1.2K) Re: return-path user -- local vs. smtp
 92   L Jul10 Alexander Saboure(1.3K) |->
 93   L Jul10 Philip Hazel     (0.4K) | `->
 94   L Jul10 Alexander Saboure(0.2K) |   |->
 95   L Jul10 Alexander Saboure(0.9K) |   `->
 96   L Jul10 Philip Hazel     (0.7K) |->
 97   F Jul09 Derrick 'dman' Hu(0.8K) `->

Notice how, at the same thread level, the older message is at the bottom.
(in particular, compare messages 92, 96, and 97.

What I want is for that thread to look like this, but still have
indices 91-97 (that is, be near the top of the folder) :

~~~~~~~ example with sort_aux=date-received
554 r L Jul09 Kurt Lieber      (1.2K) Re: return-path user -- local vs. smtp
555   F Jul09 Derrick 'dman' Hu(0.8K) |->
556   L Jul10 Philip Hazel     (0.7K) |->
557   L Jul10 Alexander Saboure(1.3K) `->
558   L Jul10 Philip Hazel     (0.4K)   `->
559   L Jul10 Alexander Saboure(0.9K)     |->
560   L Jul10 Alexander Saboure(0.2K)     `->

Notice how the thread itself is in 'date-received' order.

However, I want the threads (eg if I collapse-all and then only count
the visible messages) to be reverse-date-received.

Does this make sense now?  Do you see how what I want is different
from 'sort=threads sort_aux=reverse-date-received'?


Better a little with righteousness
than much gain with injustice.
        Proverbs 16:8

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