Greetings, fellow Mutterers.

   The problem is to:
   a) Archive outgoing mail to a local mail folder named in a header.
   b) Archive the same outgoing mail on a server, in similar fashion.

   The attempted solution so far is:
my_hdr Fcc: default_project_name

my_hdr X-Topic: default_project_name
my_hdr Bcc: maildist@server

   Where maildist on the server has a procmail rule to handle archiving
   for any project present in the projects directory. 

   OK, this works for the default case, but only 70-80% of my outgoing
   mail relates to default_project_name. To switch both local and remote
   archives, it is necessary to edit two headers. (It's not the labour
   that's objectionable, but the risk of forgetting to change one of

   It is because the Fcc header is stripped from the sent email, that I
   resort to the second header. That leaves me trying to figure out how
   to do a file copy on X-Topic, if that is remotely possible.

   Alternatively, I don't suppose it's possible to use send-hook to put
   the outgoing mail through awk, to generate X-Topic from Fcc, before
   it is scrubbed? Now that would allow me to go to town! 


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