On Tuesday, 25 September 2007 at 21:48, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 25 at 04:54 PM, quoth Joseph:
> >I've seen an interesting sidebar patch for mutt, though it was just that
> >"a patch"  is not new and was never implemented.
> >I am just curious as to the reason why it was never implemented.  
> Eh? It *was* implemented - that patch is the implementation.
> If you're asking why it was never added to the mainstream mutt, the 
> answer is a contentious one, but one which can be found by searching 
> the mutt mailing list archives. It was deemed "froofy" by one of the 
> main mutt developers 
> (http://marc.info/?l=mutt-dev&m=112118911225394&w=2), and heavily 
> broken by one of the others 
> (http://marc.info/?l=mutt-dev&m=112133798519807&w=2).

I'm not actually against the idea any more -- just the

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