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On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 04:33:34PM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> > Is there a tool which tells me the characters of keystrokes? 
> > xev does not work for key combinations. 
> Yes, there is such a tool built into mutt.  From the index, type
>    :exec what-key
> and hit enter.
I've never heard of that one - are there other built-in programs in mutt
which can be invoked using :exec? I've found nothing on the web / man

> I just tried this and it seems a little broken.  The following keys,
>    <Enter>
>    Ctrl-J
>    Ctrl-M
> are all displayed as
>    Char = <Return>, Octal = 12, Decimal = 10
Same thing here. Ctrl-M should be something with Decimal value 14. Does
anybody know why Ctrl-M (Carriage Return) is the same as Ctrl-J (Line
Feed / Newline)? Perhaps it has something to do with portability between
Linux, Windows and Mac computers? 

> Getting back to the subject of overlapping keys, applications that 
> are designed to accept input from a terminal, as mutt is, accept 
> only sequences of 7-bit or 8-bit characters because that's all the 
> original terminals supported.   
I've understood this and the in-depth explanation in your other mail, at
least I believe so. But mutt is able to use the Unicode character set for
displaying. So, input has to be sequences of 7-bit / 8-bit characters,
output can be the whole unicode character set? 


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  ^^^    | Andreas Leppert
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