On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 01:19:06PM -0800, Brendan Cully wrote:
> On Wednesday, 17 December 2008 at 15:15, David Young wrote:
> > Today I have found that if I save a message M in IMAP folder F to
> > the same folder F, and then I sync folder F by tapping '$', then
> > message M is no longer present in F.  This is different behavior
> > than I expect for two reasons: saving a message should not be a
> > destructive operation, no matter what the destination folder.
> > Also, this behavior on IMAP folders is not consistent with the
> > behavior on mbox-format folders, where saving to the same folder
> > duplicates the affected message before marking it 'D'eleted---that
> > is, the message is not destroyed.
> In my 1.5.18 IMAP behaviour is identical to mbox.

Thanks.  I am running 1.5.18, now, and the behavior is closer to
what I expect, but still a bit nerve-wracking.

If I save a message M that is in my inbox back to my inbox with
<s><!><Enter>, then mutt adds a 'D' flag to M.  No duplicate of M
appears.  According to the state in the index, it sure looks like
I deleted M.  Indeed, if I sync the folder by tapping '$', M
disappears.  Now it *really* looks like I deleted M. :-)  The
message isn't really gone, though: if I load my inbox in a second
instance of mutt, however, there is message M.

Under the same commands as above, the behavior of a local mbox's
index is a lot more desirable; I wonder if it is very hard to
replicate that behavior on the index of an IMAP folder?


David Young             OJC Technologies
dyo...@ojctech.com      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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