
Rocco Rutte <pd...@gmx.net> wrote:
> * Wu, Yue wrote:
>> I want to let mutt deletes empty maildirs automatically, but 'save_empty' 
>> only
>> works for mbox, why? How to achieve it for maildir?
> It doesn't work for maildir. I'm not sure why, but probably because
> removing an empty maildir has the potential to break something as it
> cannot be done atomically.

Mutt can rename the maildir to $maildir-mutt-remove and then remove the
subdirectories and then the $maildir-mutt-remove. The rename can be done

Bye, Jörg.
Es liegt in der Natur des Menschen, vernünftig zu denken und
unlogisch zu handeln! Das Gesagte ist nicht das Gemeinte und das Gehörte
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