I have my alternative_order set to text/plain text/html. All works as expected. However I have some people who use a mailer (Apple Mail) that send multipart/alternative messages with attachments. So the two parts of the message are a text/plain and a multipart/mixed. The multipart/mixed consists of said file attachment and a text/html part. Since mutt is set to prefer text/plain, all I see is the plain text message, with no indication that there is an attachment (or even an html part).

I don't know if this is normal behavior for multipart/alternative messages with attachments, or a quirk of Apple Mail. I would have thought that the text/plain and text/html part of the messages should make up the multi/alt part, with other file attachments living at the same level as the multi/alt part, not buried in *one* of the alternative components

So, what is the best way to deal with this? Is there anyway to just prefer the text/plain but look for attachments in the text/html branch? Or have an indication that there is a text/html branch onscreen so I know to look there? Or is the only route to set my alternative_order to prefer text/html first...


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