
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:16:57PM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
>      I   1 <no description>        [multipart/alternative]
>      I   2 |-><no description>     [text/plain]
>      I   3 `-><no description>     [text/html]
> But anyway, I don't consider this message to have ANY "attachments".

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:51:44PM -0600, lee wrote:
> Well, I would consider such a message as attachment only: No message
> (i. e. no body), only three attachments.
> The fact that all entities are attached to the message makes all of
> them attachments to the message, regardless of their purpose,
> regardless of how they might be attached to each other and regardless
> of how they are attached to the message.

Lee, directly or indirectly, you're just playing language games.

You're using the word "attach" to misleadingly describe the process by which a
message has message entities added to it. While this is certainly a valid use of
the word attach, you're then extrapolating that all entities must therefor be
attachments. I guess in some general sense you are correct, but within the
context of a MUA, an attachment has a very specific and well defined meaning,
that is much more narrow than this.

An attachment is a message entity that a user is likely to add or save to and
from the file system, as separate to the main message. A good litmus test,
although by no means perfect, would be if the entity has an explicit file name.
In the example that Kyle gave, there are clearly no attachments, and I would not
want to use a MUA that listed any.


Noah Slater, http://tumbolia.org/nslater

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