On Tue, 21 Jul 2009, Christian Ebert wrote:

> * Adam Wellings on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 17:12:27 +0100
> > On Tue, 21 Jul 2009, Christian Ebert wrote:
> >> * Adam Wellings on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 14:52:57 +0100
> >>> mailboxes `find ~/Mail -type d \( \( -name cur -o -name new -o -name tmp 
> >>> \) -prune -o -printf '+%P ' \)`
> >>> 
> >>> It's cut the time from ~1s to ~0.3s.
> >> 
> >> And it doesn't give you Fol2 for example, i.e. the nodes as well?
> > 
> > Ah poo, so it does. My excuse is that I'm ill today and a bit under par...
> > 
> > Mutt seems happy enough though (despite my other documented issue) and it's 
> > nice and fast. 
> Well, your nodes clobber the mailboxes list, don't they.

Not that I can see. They appear in the list, but selecting them opens
them up with all the mailboxes inside. It also still saw emails that
have arrived. 

Anyway, I went back to my previous one with the addition
of -prune. It's ~0.5s instead of the ~0.3s that that one came up with. I
can live with that difference. :)

Thanks for the tip.

> lee's little C program mutt-mb that he posted in this thread
>   Message-ID: <20090721042825.gj27...@cat.rubenette.is-a-geek.com>
> does the job quite well and reasonably fast.

Yeah, looks good, but I'm happy enough now. Cygwin managed mount
probably puts a lower limit on the time taken. I may have to revisit
this when I set my new machine up.


"...one cannot be angry when one looks at a penguin."
                                        - John Ruskin

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