On 2009-12-15, lee <l...@yun.yagibdah.de> wrote:

> how do you set up a remote frontend on a Mac? I tried, but:

I think using mutt to watch recorded videos is bound to fail.

> 1.) it's unusably slow

That's what you get when you attempt to use a character-based
mail client to watch video streams.

> 2.) apparently, it uses at least part of the settings for a frontend
> on one computer on another one as well


I'm going to take a WAG and assume you're trying to set up a
MythTv frontend on a Mac.  I run MiniMyth on a Mac Mini (not
the current generation, but the previous one -- the box is
about a year old). It works just fine.  Plays back both 720p
and 1080i recordings flawlessly.


Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I have a very good
                                  at               DENTAL PLAN.  Thank you.

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