On 13.04.10,10:11, J Aaron Anderson wrote:
> Hey users 
> I have come up against something I cannot figure out by myself and was
> hoping someone who has set this up can clarify the documentation...
> I don't know if "rich-text in auto-view" format is technically "proper" for
> what I intend.
> My goal is to have the email always look "formatted" in the recipient's
> inbox.
> It is NOT to ever display to user recipients as <code> when the viewer sees
> the communication in their inbox.
> When I set text/rtf::  ... mutt ... -e 'my_hdr Content-Type:text/rtf' ... ;
> This sends the message as a .txt attachment now in Outlook and is NOT in the
> preview window at all. No change to other Email Inbox Clients...
> So far I have also tried 
> .     Content-Type :  multipart/alternative
> .     Content-Type :  text/html
> Perhaps my "header flags" are enough to display the html correctly in
> Outlook inbox but not others? (Attached is a comparative screenshot) Any
> help is MUCH appreciated.
> I think theres more I need to do in combination of a .muttrc file but don't
> know where to go next. What is next to try ? 

Can you try "set content_type=text/html" instead in the command line?


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