Replace a comma with a dot and it works.
My Bad.

On 20100524_141522, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I need advice on setting the pop_host variable.
> I have fetchmail working and successfully downloading email, but for
> complex reasons of personal taste, I want to be able to use the G command.
> The URL of the server is
> My email address is
> When using fetchmail I use the fully qualified email address as my userID
> I know my password for sure because it is passed the fetchmail command,
> and that works.
> I have tried 
> :set pop_host="pop://"
> and then uppercase G command.
> I get a request for my password, which I answer (proves that Pop support
> is compiled into my particular Mutt)
> Some progress reports ending in PASS: Authorization failed.
> I have also tried inserting the password into set_host per the User Manual,
> but this also fails.
> I think Mutt may be confused by the TWO @s in the string. But that is 
> puzzling because it seems to be collecting to a pop server which asks for
> a password. 
> I'd be happy to run some debuging, but need to be told exactly what to type.
> -- 
> Paul E Condon           

Paul E Condon  

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