On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 11:31:23PM -0700, George Davidovich wrote:
>As I understand it, "A0" represents the non-breaking space character.
>Mutt displays the message correctly, but in vim, the character appears
>as a pipe symbol.  And, as you can tell, there's a whole lot of them.
>My questions, then, are:
>  1. Is there a mutt configuration setting I'm missing that causes vim
>     to get the A0 character?  Maybe this behaviour is a feature? ;-)
>  2. As a workaround, how do I search/replace non-printable characters
>     in vim?


Replace charactrs with characters within the entire file

As far as replacing non-printable chars... I just use hexedit.

Sounds like you are trying to view a binary within vi/vim.


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