Grant Edwards wrote:
> Nicolas Williams wrote:
> > Right.  There's no good convention for "end of list of arguments to an
> > option".  There's only a good convention for "end of variable argument
> > list" ('--'), and since this is the closest thing...
> And since there _is_ a convention that '--' ends the option list, it's
> A Bad Thing(TM) to use it for something else.  I think violating the
> almost universal convention about what '--' means is a terrible idea,
> but apparently we're now stuck with it.

Having just happened upon this myself I am now one of the many saying
that mutt has made a terrible mistake with this implementation.  The
'--' is an end of option argument processing.  It should not be used
as an end of list marker.  It should be used as an end of argument
option marker.

> The standard way to pass a list of filenames on a command line is to
> do it indirectly by putting the filenames in a file, and passing that
> filename.  That seems to work fine for dozens (or hundreds) of other
> programs, so I don't see any reason why mutt shouldn't follow that
> convention.

The problem mutt is facing is one of in-band-control.  The marker
needs to not match any filename.  But what if you have a file named
"--"?  (Don't laugh.  People do things like this.  And then then ask
how to remove it.  Really!  ["rm -f ./--", or "rm -f -- --")  It is
hard to do in-band-control well.  Especially on Unix-like filesystems
where the only two invalid characters are the null character and slash.

One way is just to assume that a particular filename will never be
supported.  Something like "--" but "--" is a terrible choice.
I would have preferred that "+" were chosen.

  mutt -a * +

That seems to have a low likelihood of collision with a real filename.
It is used by 'find' and standardized by POSIX.  As in this example
"find . -exec echo {} +".  And so isn't completely unknown elsewhere.

But since only null and slash are invalid perhaps that is the best clue.

  mutt -a * /

Ugly.  But seems least ambiguous to me.  And it avoids the in-band
control problem.


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