Hi Brian,

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 06:51:14PM +1100, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> Looks interesting, so I got it. Why does it install in ~/.local? How can
> I change this as .local would be just another directory I would have to
> add to my path? I looked to see if I could alter it, but could not find
> where it was set to install in ~.local. I would like to install in
> /usr/local/bin or ~/bin.

No problem at all! Just use:
  sudo python setup.py install --prefix=/usr/local

And to remove:
  sudo rm -rvf /usr/local/bin/muttlearn 

I used ~/.local because it seems to be the upcoming standard for
installing python modules by (non-root) users.

Is it working now?


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