On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 09:17:02PM +0200, Amit Ramon wrote:
> Chip Camden <sterl...@camdensoftware.com> [2010-12-08 11:01 -0800]:
> >On a related topic, is there any way to get mutt to display RTL for
> >certain characters?  The Hebrew characters in your signature, for
> >instance, are displayed LTR in my mutt, so they read backwards.
> Not directly. For that you have to use a bidi-aware terminal. I'm
> running Mutt in Mlterm terminal emulator, which can handle LTR and RTL
> quiet well (but not perfectly).

I agree, this is a job for the rendered, which is also why you shouldn't
need your plain2html program -- the web browsers displaying your email
in webmail apps should handle bi-di correctly as long as they understand
UTF-8.  Might the webmail backend be doing something wrong?

How would I know if the Hebrew text in your signature is displaying
correctly?  The glyphs appear to be correct.  Would inserting spaces
between the characters change the order in which they appear?  If so, my
terminal (Terminator) is not handlint bi-di correctly :(


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