On 2011-02-23, Chip Camden <sterl...@camdensoftware.com> wrote:
> Quoth Grant Edwards on Wednesday, 23 February 2011:

>> A while back I was tinkering with a program that when piped an event
>> invitation from an .ics attachment, it would generate (based on a
>> command line option) an .ics accept/decline response that could then
>> be sent back to the invitation sender.


>> Is there plumbing in mutt that would allow such a scenario?

> Check out my approach: http://www.chipstips.com/?p=538

Ah!  I hadn't thought of using .mailcap to tell mutt to use a program
to "view" the .ics attachment.  It's a couple extra keystrokes
compared to what I had in mind, but it should work nicely without any
hacking on mutt sources.

Now to figure out how to add an event to a Google calendar using an
.ics file and CalDAV.  It looks like it should be trivial. I think all
you have to do is "PUT" the .ics file to an appropriate URL using a
couple judiciously chosen header values.


Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I think I am an
                                  at               overnight sensation right
                              gmail.com            now!!

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