On May 06, 2011 at 02:38 PM +0200, Jose M Vidal wrote:
is there any way to send all the messages without the need to open
them one by one?

As someone else mentioned, running a local smtp server like postfix will do this automatically.

I've been using putmail[1] instead. It's a lightweight smtp client like msmtp is, but written in Python. It has a companion script which queues things. I wrapped all of this with a simple shell script that checks my network connection and dequeues mail when I'm up. Though the details are unimportant, all sent mail is queued and automatically dequeued when I am connected, so I never worry about losing a message. I also have some logic in place so that I can go into 'offline' mode and queues messages without sending them even if I am connected.

[1]: http://putmail.sourceforge.net/home.html

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