On Sun, 08 May 2011, Richard wrote:
Am Sun, dem 08 May 2011, schrieb Richard:

Hi Richard,

/ 1  ... perhaps this might help:

# allows your mutt(rc) to override/ set the xterm-title, when running mutt
set xterm_set_titles=yes
# Remember:
#         if set xterm_title --> xterm_set_titles
# but:
#         ¬ (xterm_set_titles --> xterm_title)
# allows you to specify your xterm-Title

set xterm_title="Mutt with%?m? %m Messages&no messages?%?n? [%n New]?"

/2 Can you explain briefly, what this part of your script should do?

>  "\033]0;mutt\007" 

Im unfortunately not that familiar with shell-scripting, yet.



Christian Roßberg
Rhetorikberater | Consulting Rhetorician
OratorPerfectus GbR | http://oratorperfectus.com 

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