On 20.05.11 11:52, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> It is actually quite easy to find, if you know how to use Vim's help 
> system. Let's see, since spelling was a new feature for Vim 7, I usually 
> go to :h new-spell
> There you'll find that z= is mentioned for spell suggestions. So place 
> you cursor on z= and press again Ctrl-] and you'll jump right to the 
> description of the z= help topic.

Hi Christian!

Grateful thanks for the shortcut. (There were only 72 hits in my helpgrep,
so I might have got there eventually, but it was becoming tedious.)

Time will tell whether z= sticks in my mind. Since s= doesn't appear
to be to be used, I might just map it to that, since it's more mnemonic
than "zpelling".

Either way, you've given me some useful reading.



California is the US's largest food producer, and is said to be losing 
agricultural land at an average of 20,200 Ha a year. 
- The Weekly Times, May 11, 2011.
Satellite images show deforestation increased from 103 sq km in March
and April 2010 to 593 sq km (229 sq miles) in the same period of 2011,
Brazil's space research institute says.
 - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-13449792

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