my color scheme can work before. But not, it can not work any more. all of
mails in index are white, and mail context are white too. weird. 
I set some colors about index and body.
I know it is fucking bad to say "weird".

Here is my muttrc config in github:

I really can not do anything about that now.
I forget what I did on my configuration files about mutt. And I try to recover
it. But failed. 
I searched man muttrc. and tested some options. all failed. 
I tried all ways I thought. 
Is there anyone can give me some advise about colors ? 
I mean that is there something will affect mutt display colors ? 
like source file rank, and some option will unset colors etc.

Thanks in advance. 

I will have my own life finally.
I believe myself cause I can.

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