Quoth Jim Graham on Saturday, 22 October 2011:
> I did it again...regular reply instead of a list reply....
> My chemobrain (brain nuked by two types of chemotherapy, both very
> hard on the brain, plus tumors, plus three brain surgeries, plus
> max-dose radiation ... I do at least have an excuse!)....

My only excuse is that I'm getting old.  So I put this in my .muttrc:

message-hook .    'bind pager l list-reply; bind pager r reply'
message-hook ~l   'bind pager r list-reply; bind pager l reply'

Now 'r' does what I want most of the time, and 'l' does the unusual.

.O. | Sterling (Chip) Camden      | http://camdensoftware.com
..O | sterl...@camdensoftware.com | http://chipsquips.com
OOO | 2048R/D6DBAF91              | http://chipstips.com

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