On 03.11.11,10:05, Edward Morbius wrote:
> Is there any facility similar to Gmail's named tags (other than
> folders) for mutt?
> I'd like to be able to add (multiple) labels to a given message,
> possible automatically (procmail, some imap tool, mutt folder hooks),
> have mutt be aware of defined labels, and be able to quickly filter
> messages by labels (including and/or/not Boolean logic).
> That and/or a global search tool (and yes I'm aware that several of
> these exist) would be great adds for mutt.
> If there are existing tricks / tools that accomplish same, I'd
> appreciate seeing them.

I use the editlabel scriptand the setup at this site:


This adds labels to the X-Label field, and it is easy to limit the view
to a specific tag. 

For global search you can use the "mu" search tool which can search in
the X-label field over several mailboxes and return the result promptly:



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