Hope everyone had a great Xmas.
      I’ve been playing with the pager’s wrapping so that it doesn’t
wrap to the width of my terminal, but rather to 72 characters wide.  In
my .muttrc I’ve set “set wrap = 72”, but it doesn’t intelligently break:
it breaks in the middle of words sometimes, which is not what I want.
      I’ve achieved what I want in vim by adding the following to my
.vimrc file:

  set wrap
  set linebreak
  set nolist
  set textwidth=0
  set wrapmargin=0

Any idea how to get mutt’s pager to behave the same?


     __                 __     __
    / /_____  _______ _/ /__ _/ /____ _  __
   /  '_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ __/ _ \ |/ /    Raconteur, Mostly
  /_/\_\\___/_/  \_,_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/___/     <http://koralatov.com/>

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