Yes thats what the default intention was :(
Is there any plans for mutt to release this kind of font/html support ?
Anyother way to do this or any other mail client which I could use

- Ravi

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:08 PM, Michael Graham <> wrote:
> On 22/01/2012 18:35, Ravi Uday wrote:
>> How can I automatically set the color and font type in my outgoing mails
>> when I use mutt to send emails. Like i need all my msgs in blue, italisize
>> and font=ariel.
> Do you mean you want to set it so that the *recipient* sees the underlining,
> blue test, &c.?  If that is what you mean, then it sounds like you want to
> send email in HTML format, which I’m pretty certain mutt doesn’t do.
> --
>  Mike    __                 __     __
>         / /_____  _______ _/ /__ _/ /____ _  __
>        /  '_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ __/ _ \ |/ /  Raconteur, Mostly
>       /_/\_\\___/_/  \_,_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/___/  <>

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