Harald Weis wrote:
> I've switched my (FreeBSD) system from ISO8859-15 to UTF-8.
> (jove is less « intelligent » than emacs,     )
> (but joe is an excellent replacement for jove.)
> My question concerns html messages encoded in iso8859-1.
> The subject line displays accented characters alright.
> But in the body they are all simply replaced by spaces.
> ---
> Message:
> Content-Type: text/html;                                                      
>        charset="ISO-8859-1"
> q:Exit  s:Save  |:Pipe  p:Print  ?:Help                                       
>   I     1 <no description>    [text/html, quoted, iso-8859-1, 30K]
> ---
> mailcap:
> text/html; /usr/local/bin/w3m -v -F -T text/html %s
> ---

This is really a w3m question rather than a mutt question; anyway it seems
w3m is not correctly detecting the terminal encoding.

You could try in your mailcap:
text/html; /usr/local/bin/w3m -dump -O UTF-8 -F -T text/html %s; copiousoutput
Chris Burdess

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