On 18Apr2012 12:28, Patrice Levesque <mutt.wa...@ptaff.ca> wrote:
| > set header_cache=/home/epatton/.mutt_cache/
| > (File permissions set to 666.)
| Shouldn't that be 777?

Whatever for? It only needs to be writable by the user, being a
directory, 700 or 750 o 755 perhaps.

Admittedly 666 (or 600 etc - anything not including the 'x' (search)
bit) will break things, as a directory needs search permission for you
to access files within it.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

No real plot, some good special effects, but not enough to save this very
forgettable film. S&N: Windows 95.
        - Phil Herring <rev...@uow.edu.au> on _Mission Impossible_

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