On May 12, 2012 at 06:51 PM -0500, Jim Graham wrote:
I'm going to be replacing my old, rapidly dying systems with a
Mac next month, and am wondering if anyone here has used Mutt
on Mac OS X (Lion).  I'm curious about how that's working out,
etc.  (I've never actually SEEN Mac OS X, so I don't know how
much of the Unix base is still there).

Yup, works fine, been doing it for years. I'd recommend checking out, in no particular order:

- msmtp or putmail.py
- homebrew for a package manager - much more straight foward than macports or fink in my mind - iTerm, the newer one, as a replacement for Terminal.app. Terminal.app works, but iTerm is better. You can also set up iTerm to handle mailto: urls and open up a mutt instance automatically

If you are using the OS X address book app and/or keychain, there are some tips and tricks that enable reasonable integration. I for one love the OS X address book because it works with my phone and syncs wirelessy. As far as a speller, I compose my email in Vim and use the speller that is built in. If using Vim, you might want to check out MacVim [1]. OS X comes with Vim, but MacVim is a lot nicer, has a gui if you want, and if you don't want a gui, you can just link the executable to /usr/local/bin or something.

[1]: http://code.google.com/p/macvim/

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