On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 01:38:21PM -0700, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 06:56:19PM -0500, Luis Mochan wrote:
> > I have used gmail from mutt occasionally using the attached rc
> > file. Today I decided to clean my gmail account, deleting some
> > messages and saving others in their corresponding folders under,
> > for example =here or =there (under imaps://imap.gmail.com:993/).
> > Things seemed to be working well. After saving each message, it
> > was marked as Deleted from my INBOX. My problem is that when I
> > expunged the messages from the INBOX, they also dissapeared from
> > the folder to which I had copied them! 
> You're going to need to tell us the exact keystrokes you're pressing
> for us to be able to usefully comment.
If I remember correctly (I haven't reproduced the problem) I typed 
s=mailbox<enter> to save a message, 
$ to purge the message, which had been marked with a D, from the INBOX
c=mailbox<enter> to open the mailbox
and the message seems to have disappeared.

If I omit the $, the message does appear in its folder, but it also
appears in the INBOX with the 'D' mark. What I wanted is to clean the
inbox, although, as you mentioned, it may be unnecessary.

Actually, using the web interface, I found my messages in the Trash
with the labels corresponding to the 'mailboxes' I had used.

> ...
> I've had no problem whatsoever with just:
> s=Label<enter>
> But then I don't use labels with gmail very much at all because the
> search is so good; in fact I have "s" rebound to "save to all mail",
> which removes things from the inbox but does nothing else.
> Here's all my gmail-related stuff, with comments, in case it helps:
> ############
> # Gmail-related keyboard shortcuts
> ############
> # This allows going to space-containing folders
> bind editor <space> noop


So I still don't quite understand. After you do an immediate save or a
normal save with your configuration, what happens with the message? Is
it marked as deleted? Do you find it if you look for it after purging
it from the INBOX? 

I guess that my problem is that I still don't quite get the relation
between adding and deleting labels and archiving in gmail, using its
web interface, and copying, saving and deleting messages in gmail using mutt. 


> # The trash variable doesn't exist in this version of mutt, so we
> # trash with delete; we also turn off pattern delete due to no "ask
> # for user input" command; just use the tag functions
> #
> # Note that saving to Trash immediately, forcefully, deletes the message from
> # the inbox; this causes a "Mailbox was externally modified.  Flags
> # may be wrong." message, and often causes the cursor to go
> # somewhere weird.  This does not seem to be fixable, although you
> # could add <last-entry> or something to these macros and at least
> # end up in a predictable place.
> #
> macro index,pager d "<save-message>=[Gmail]/Trash<enter>" "Gmail trash 
> message"
> macro index,pager D noop
> macro index,pager ^D 
> "<tag-thread><tag-prefix><save-message>=[Gmail]/Trash<enter>" "Gmail trash 
> thread"
> macro index,pager <esc>d 
> "<tag-subthread><tag-prefix><save-message>=[Gmail]/Trash<enter>" "Gmail trash 
> thread"
> # Saving to Trash immediately, forcefully, deletes the message from
> # the inbox; this means undelete of all kinds is useless, you have
> # to go to the trash and save them to another label, or use the web
> # interface.
> macro index,pager u noop
> macro index,pager ^u noop
> macro index,pager <esc>u noop
> # I don't use labels basically ever, so by default save just means
> # "get it out of my inbox"
> macro index,pager s "<save-message>=[Gmail]/All Mail<enter>" "Remove from 
> inbox/save to all mail"
> macro index,pager ,s "<save-message>" "Normal save"
> macro index,pager S "<save-message>" "Normal save"
> # Macros to go to common gmail labels.
> macro index,pager ,i "<change-folder>=INBOX<enter>" "Go to inbox"
> macro index,pager ,a "<change-folder>=[Gmail]/All Mail<enter>" "Go to all 
> mail"
> macro index,pager ,s "<change-folder>=[Gmail]/Sent Mail<enter>" "Go to outbox"
> macro index,pager ,d "<change-folder>=[Gmail]/Drafts<enter>" "Go to drafts"
> -Robin
> -- 
> http://singinst.org/ :  Our last, best hope for a fantastic future.
> .i ko na cpedu lo nu stidi vau loi jbopre .i danfu lu na go'i li'u .e
> lu go'i li'u .i ji'a go'i lu na'e go'i li'u .e lu go'i na'i li'u .e
> lu no'e go'i li'u .e lu to'e go'i li'u .e lu lo mamta be do cu sofybakni li'u


W. Luis Mochán,                      | tel:(52)(777)329-1734     /<(*)
Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM  | fax:(52)(777)317-5388     `>/   /\
Apdo. Postal 48-3, 62251             |                           (*)/\/  \
Cuernavaca, Morelos, México          | moc...@fis.unam.mx   /\_/\__/

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