On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 04:12:22PM +0000, John Long wrote:
> Mutt is a great app! It doesn't suck at all.

Hmmm. I'm going to disagree a bit. I think Mutt is a fine MUA, and I use it
for all of my personal and professional mail, but it definitely has some
baggage that sucks.

    - IMAP support causes segfaults with 1.5.21. Regularly.
    - Local commands, such as 'c' to change mailboxes, can take ages, even
      though all the mailboxes are cached.
    - All around, it's slow. Even with caching.
    - Inconsistent keyboard shortcuts. First it's 'i' that exits, then 'y'
      then 'q', and so on.
    - No sidebar support (outside of an unofficial patch) for viewing your
      mailbox tree.
    - No vertical layout for viewing messages with widescreen monitors..
    - No ability to change signatures when changing accounts automatically.
    - No RSS/Usenet support.

There are other things that irk me, but those are probably the heavy
hitters. Despite that, I find Mutt to be a good all-alround MUA, which I
use daily (have for years), but you won't find me saying it doesn't suck.
It certainly has its issues. :)

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