/ Chris Bannister wrote on Tue 20.Nov'12 at 17:24:38 +1300 /

> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 02:46:23PM +0000, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> > 
> > Ah, i understand your problem now. I did misunderstand but that's not your 
> > fault, your English is very good actually. 
> > 
> > As far as I know, it's not possible. I believe you must be subscribed to 
> > the list. You can have the mailing list manager send you digests, so you 
> > won't receive lot's of email, just one each day or whatever the frequency 
> > is. That might help you a bit and cut down the number of mails. Although, 
> > actually, the list doesn't appear to be as active as it once was when I 
> > first subscribed, so the number of mails aren't especially high compared to 
> > some lists. 
> Ouch! Could you please set the "line wrap" value in your editor to a
> sane value? 72 characters seems to be the recommended setting.
> (I though you had mistakenly sent this mail midstream, there was no
> content after "...the mailing list manager send". I only saw that there
> was content when I decided to reply regarding this issue, i.e. your
> mails are hard to read)

Chris, are you referring to my emails? I'm just using (n)vi - i don't really 
like to set a line wrap to be honest. I've never had a complaint so far? 
However, if it is really so difficult to read then of course I will. 

I don't like vim. I prefer the old vi, so i'd have to set it in ~/.exrc which 
mean all files will be line wrapped which is why I haven't done so already. 
I'll see if theres a muttrc macro or setting I can use to set line wrap just 
for mail. 

Thanks for saying so though, at least I can change it now i know it's difficult 
to read. 

Best wishes, Jamie. 

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