[ Chris Green Wrote On Sat  1.Dec'12 at 11:35:23 GMT ]

> I have the following in my muttrc file relating to thread sorting:-
>     folder-hook . 'set sort=threads;set hostname=""'
>     folder-hook sentmail set sort=date-sent
> Up to now this has worked fine as most of the lists I belong to are well
> behaved and preserve the Mail-Id:.  However I now have a list where this
> isn't so and I'm not getting 'pseudo-threads' linked by the Subject:.
> I have tried adding "set strict_threads=no" (should be the default
> anyway) but this hasn't helped.  I have no other thread related settings
> that I know of.
> How can I get threading to work using subjects?
> -- 
> Chris Green

Hi Chris, take a look at $sort_aux in man muttrc - this should help you
achieve what you need. 


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