* s. keeling <keel...@nucleus.com> [2013-01-02 22:05:29 -0700]:

> ... and it's entirely possible that I don't know what I'm doing there.
> I'm very new to IMAP (never used it before).  spoolfile used to be
> "/var/mail/keeling" when I POPped mail from my ISP (and then procmail
> picked it up ...).  When I login to ISP's webmail, all I can tell is
> "https://webmail.nucleus.com/Inbox.aspx";.  I'm using OfflineIMAP -->
> ~/mail, so ...

As you're using offlineimap, you will have a configuration file for that
program somewhere, usually you set up your own options in
~/.offlineimaprc. The options set within this file will determine where
the program is putting your mail. It's been sometime since I used it but
I believe its default is ~/Mail or ~/Maildir.

So, you will need to edit its configuration file to tell it to store
your mail where you want it: ~/mail. Check the man page and you'll find
out how to do that. It's very trivial to set up. 

Then, you need to set $folder in muttrc - which you've done. Because the
default for mutt is ~/Mail, so you need to override that default. 

You can set $spoolfile as well to the main Maildir (your inbox) or you
can set the $MAIL environment variable to that directory. Personally,
i'd do that. So, if your using a bourne-style shell, it would look
something like this:

        export MAIL="$HOME/mail/inbox"

... then each time you log in to a shell this will be set in the
environment and mutt will use it to find the spoolfile. 

So, the steps are:

1 - read offlineimap man page to find what options you need to change so
get it to put your mail where you want it.

2 - set or check that you've set $folder in ~/.muttrc to ~/mail

2 - set the $MAIL environment variable in your shell configuration file
to the spoolfile you have asked offlineimap to use; i.e. ~/mail/inbox

That *should* get you going. 


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