On 2013-02-08, Eric Smith wrote:
> Hi.
> (For those deeply offended by manifestations of html in emails,
> please look away now).
> I mainly receive email from non-technical people. Recently,
> while in the chaos ahead of a deadline I missed some
> important email where answers to my questions where inserted
> inline in a red color.
> I have never managed to render color in html email, how is this
> possible?

This is a function of the external program used to render HTML as
text.  The two that seem to be the most popular, lynx and w3m, don't
seem to do this, but elinks does.

So, all you should have to do is set your mailcap file to use elinks
for text/html and configure elinks to use 256 colors.  While running
elinks, type <esc> to see the menu bar, then go to "Setup menu" ->
"Terminal options" and select under "Color mode"->"256 color".

I've often wondered if this was possible, but never investigated it
very deeply.  Your question piqued my curiosity, so I searched a
little and just discovered that elinks could do this.  I've verified
its behavior on a few web sites, but not from within mutt.  Let us
know if this works for you.


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