On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 08:02:02AM +0100, Alexander Dahl wrote:
> This is exactly the problem: if you have unexperienced or uninterested
> users you want them to have an easy user interface. Teaching them to
> hit reply if they want to answer just to the poster and reply to all
> for answering all (aka the list) is difficult enough, even though this
> does not break with the thing you do with mail to multiple receivers
> without mailinglists. If you don't have the "avoid box" checked in
> mailman those people get duplicate messages and that's what you do not
> want, because this ends in discussions about their MUAs and then you
> are screwed anyway.

Why? It is awkward replying to a list when a copy isn't sent to the
subscriber of the list¹ 'L' doesn't work for a start.

Catering for inexperienced or uninterested users unfortunately makes it
awkward for normal users. Inexperienced or uninterested users will soon
become experienced users and will eventually thank you. (maybe?) :)

¹ I've got a strange feeling of deja vu ... mmmmm!?

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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