On 13Mar2013 11:06, elimar riesebieter <riese...@lxtec.de> wrote:
| * Stefan Brandl <s...@r-kom.de> [2013-03-13 10:26 +0100]:
| > On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 09:32:40AM +0100, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
| > > * Stefan Brandl <s...@r-kom.de> [2013-03-12 15:44 +0100]:
| > > > is it possible to start mutt with just one special thread collapsed
| > > > and all others expanded?
| > > 
| > > Esc v <collapse-thread>    toggle collapse for the current thread
| > > Esc V <collapse-all>       toggle collapse for all threads
| > 
| > This is not what I want.
| But useful for an integration in a script or macro.

Because they are toggled and there is no way to inspect state, not
so useful.

Like Stefan, I really wish a bunch of things were available in
non-toggle form; a toggle is useful when you want one, but ultra
annoying when you just want to set a state.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

The obsession with minimizing vehicle size is yet another unwanted
leftover from the days when launch systems were produced by missile
designers.  It is *actively harmful* to the goal of low costs.
- Henry Spencer <he...@zoo.toronto.edu>

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