Thank you Erik,

Erik Christiansen wrote on 06.05.13:
> When you try ":set fenc ?" in vim, does it show:
> fileencoding=utf-8
Yes, it does and the interaction of vim and mutt is fine

here is an example:

cat renders:

│Bestnr.  │  Produkt  │  Hersteller  │  Menge │
│16266    │  Bananen  │    golden    │ 2KG    │
│21804    │ Zwiebeln  │     xxx      │ 2KG    │
│16300    │ Zitronen  │     xxx      │ 6‐8ST  │
│18455    │  Gurken   │     xxx      │ 2ST    │
│?????    │ weißkohl  │     1ST      │        │


vim or less:

│^[[1mBestnr.  ^[[22m│  ^[[1mProdukt  ^[[22m│  ^[[1mHersteller  ^[[22m│
^[[1mMenge ^[[22m│
│16266    │  Bananen  │    golden    │ 2KG    │
│21804    │ Zwiebeln  │     xxx      │ 2KG    │
│16300    │ Zitronen  │     xxx      │ 6‐8ST  │
│18455    │  Gurken   │     xxx      │ 2ST    │
│?????    │ weißkohl  │     1ST      │        │

could it be that the interaction with the terminal (gnome-terminal in my case)
somehow has to do with this?

> If not, try:
> :set fileencoding=utf-8
> At least that works for me when I use vim as the editor within mutt, and
> use e.g. å,æ,ø. (See? We're back on topic, pretty much. :-)
> No initial colon, if added to your ~/.vimrc - but you knew that.
> Erik
> -- 
> Didn't the prophet Urdure vanquish the Dragon of Sluth on the plain of        
> Gidral after three days fighting? ... And wasn't it true that the sons
> of Exequial beat the hosts of Myrilom?                                        
>       - from The Book of Om, in Carpe Jugulum, by Terry Pratchett.


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