On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 06:56:56AM +0100, David Woodfall wrote:
> On (20/05/13 20:33), Patrick Shanahan <ptilopt...@gmail.com> put forth the 
> proposition:
> >* David Woodfall <d...@dawoodfall.net> [05-20-13 20:01]:
> >>I've found that sending mail as root saves a copy in /root/mail/Sent/,
> >>whereas sending as my user doesn't seem to keep a record at all.
> >>
> >>The only difference between root and user is that root is using mbox
> >>and user is maildir.
> >>
> >>Is there some way around this?
> >
> >There is a setting for sent mail, it is called "set record".  You probably
> >have it set for root in root's .muttrc, but not your own, or you have it
> >incorrectly set.  I believe maildir needs a trailing "/", ie:
> > ~/mail/outbox/
> >whereas mdir does not, ie:
> > ~/mail/outbox
> Nope, I have record set in both. In fact they are almost identical
> except that root's is mbox.

Could this be a permissions problem?  You might want to show us your 
config settings just as they are in your config file(s) -- minus 
sensitive info, of course.


Paul Hoffman <nkui...@nkuitse.com>

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