On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 09:03:32PM +1000, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> The real and substantial impairments, both physical and mental, which
> accrue with advancing age, are easily overlooked in the ignorance of
> youth, or even middle age. Though two decades behind our petitioner for
> a quick hint, I have for a decade and a half found it necessary to
> accumulate a private multifarious manpage, or brain-fade-insurance, now
> amounting to 350 pages of stuff which has worked for me, but spans a
> quarter of a century of using dozens of unix utilities, scripting
> languages, cross-copilers, linker scripting, system administration, and
> embedded systems development, etc. Without that, I'd be asking a few
> more questions on the less hostile lists too. Ya can't remember it
> all, and in declining years, the time remaining looms in all its stark
> brevity. The increasing rate of wetware memory drop-outs in our autumn
> years becomes increasingly unnerving, and even figuring out where to
> look isn't as easy as it once was.

That sounds like a fantastic compilation, not just for practical knowledge, but
I'm betting a little of history as well. Would you care to share it? :)
Eduardo Alvarez

"Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, moriturus sum"
  -- Rincewind The Wizzard

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