Today I accidentally copied my mails into the same folder where they had been
stored before (evil keybinding!!!) and now I'm faced with about a 1000 copies
within my inbox. Since those duplicates do not have a unique mail-id, it's
hopeless to filter them with mutts integrated duplicate limiting pattern.
Command '<limit>~=' has no effect in my case and deleting them by hand
will take me hours!

I know this question has been (unsuccessfully) asked before. Anyhow is there is
a way to tag every other mail (literally every nth mail of my inbox-folder) and
afterwards delete them? I know something about linux-scripting but unfortunately
I have no clue where to start with and even which script-language to use.

This close-to-topic approach with 'fdupes' has been released some time ago
( but in my view it seems way to
complicated. As I could recognize from mutts mailing archive, I'm not the only
one who has had trouble with it. Therefore I appreciate any hint which drives me
into the right direction and helps me solving this.

Running Mutt 1.5.21 under Ubuntu Gnome 13.10. (Linux 3.11.0-13-generic).


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