On 2013-11-16 22:18:10 +0100, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:
> I am relatively new to mutt but was able to set up some account-hooks. I have 
> three accounts A, B and C and when I start mutt everything works as expected.
> I start in account A and when I want to change folders or want to copy mails 
> I see the folders of account A. When I send mail it is send from account A.
> Now I switch to account B. And everything works for account B, the same for 
> account C. And then I switch back to account A and the following problems 
> occur:
> When I want to change folders, I see the folders of the last account I was in 
> (in this example account C), when I write a mail the "From" and 
> "SMTP"-settings are those from the last account I was in.

I also have this problem, I never found a solution. The good thing is
that I mostly only use one account, so it's not a major issue.

> In addition I'd like to ask if there is a way to change the from when
> I am in the screen right after writing a mail?

edit_headers is very useful for this (although you would do the changes
in your editor that way).

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